Today on International Youth Day 2022, myself and the Wellbeing Foundation Africa are reiterating and amplifying our commitment to taking action and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals across all generations to ensure no one is left behind.
Intergenerational solidarity is essential for the positive and progressive development of society, especially as the bias of ageism continues to go unaddressed in health and human rights, leading to a lack of fulfilled potential. Reflecting on the Global Report on Ageism launched by the United Nations in March 2021, our youth continue to face adversity and barriers across employment, political participation, health and justice. The key to shaping these spheres to be accessible and brave spaces will manifest from an engaged and productive intergenerational intervention strategy, increasing the strength and unity to achieve #SDGs for all.
With a sustained focus and mission anchored primarily on the successful delivery of goals 3, 5 and 6, good health and wellbeing, gender equality and #WASH, WBFA frontline programming educates, empowers, and advocates for open communication and community and social connectedness across all ages, young and old alike. We encourage the joining of forces, collaboration and fight against discrimination in hopes of an equitable and inclusive future that listens to elders while including youth at the table.
Let’s aim to build back better by leveraging all generations’ wisdom, knowledge and lived experiences.
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