

FROM May 5th, 2024

Midwives, healthcare colleagues, and distinguished guests, 

Happy International Day of the Midwife! 

My name is Toyin Saraki, Founder and President of The Wellbeing Foundation Africa, a non-governmental organisation based in Nigeria with the aim of improving maternal, newborn and child health outcomes through midwifery-led frontline programming and global advocacy, and as the Inaugural Global Goodwill Ambassador of the International Confederation of Midwives and the World Health Organization Foundation Inaugural Global Health Ambassador, it is with great pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to the Virtual International Day of the Midwife, a 24-hour Online Conference centred on the 5th May for midwives and anyone interested in childbirth.

As we gather virtually from all corners of the globe, united by our shared commitment to improving maternal health outcomes, let us take a moment to reflect on the profound impact of midwifery in shaping the future of childbirth and beyond. This year, as we commemorate the International Day of the Midwife, our theme resonates deeply with the essence of sustainable midwifery: “Caring for Tomorrow’s World.” Indeed, as the guardians of life’s most sacred moments, midwives hold the key to nurturing a future where every mother and child receives the care and support they deserve while safeguarding the health of our planet for generations to come.

Central to our discussions today is the imperative of Respectful Maternity Care—an ethos which is at the heart of sustainable midwifery. Respectful Maternity Care is a guiding principle that highlights the importance of treating every woman with dignity, compassion, and empathy throughout her childbirth journey. It is about honouring her autonomy, respecting her choices, and upholding her rights, regardless of background or socioeconomic status.

At the Wellbeing Foundation Africa, our flagship Mamacare360 programme is aimed at Goal 3 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, good health and wellbeing for all, and our WBFA midwives work to improve maternal health by promoting Respectful Maternity Care for all women during pregnancy, childbirth, and in the time after birth, as we see the link between pregnant women and their primary health givers as vital to their health after delivery and that of their newborn.

Mamacare360 delivers care in line with the World Health Organization recommendations for pregnant women to increase the number of contact with healthcare providers throughout their pregnancy, from four to at least eight. Mamacare360 is bridging an identified gap in achieving the best outcomes, by making the mother a premium partner in her own outcome, through education and awareness in birth preparedness. 

The Mamacare360 birth preparedness programme of antenatal and postnatal education uses tools such as Emergency Obstetrics and Newborn Care (EmONC), client-held Personal Health Records (PHRs) and Respectful Maternity Care (RMC) to empower the mother by engendering health information and education, during that key eleven-month (antenatal and postnatal) nest and nurture period. Alongside this, through the development and distribution of the now ubiquitous clean delivery Mamakit, which has been adopted, replicated, and amplified so widely across the country, we ensure that every pregnant woman has sanitary and sterile delivery materials with her, to encourage safe hospital deliveries.

Furthermore, as we champion RMC, we must also recognise the integral role of mental health in maternity care. The journey to motherhood is a profound and transformative experience—one that can be accompanied by a myriad of emotions, from joy and excitement to fear and uncertainty. Yet, all too often, the mental health needs of mothers are overlooked or marginalised.

Beyond the physical aspects of care, midwives are uniquely positioned to address the holistic needs of expectant mothers, including their mental health. Maternal mental health is an essential component of overall well-being during the perinatal period, impacting not only the mother but also the child and family dynamics. Midwives provide compassionate support, guidance, and resources to help mothers navigate the emotional challenges that often accompany pregnancy and childbirth. By promoting mental wellness and early intervention for issues such as postpartum depression and anxiety, midwives contribute significantly to the long-term health and happiness of both mothers and their families. Their expertise in fostering a nurturing and supportive environment empowers women to embark on their journey into motherhood with confidence and resilience.

The Wellbeing Foundation Africa is proud to be a longstanding technical policy, advocacy, and planning partner to the Nigeria Federal Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, and most recently, has developed and integrated Nigeria’s Perinatal Mental Health Checklist within the National Primary Health Care Development Agency Maternal and Child Health MCH Handbook,  highlighting the shared commitment to improving access to primary, secondary and tertiary mental health and wellbeing services for all people in Nigeria, through the structured unification of national policy efforts towards achieving universal health coverage for mental health and encouragement of full implementation of the provisions of the National Mental Health Act of 2021.

Today as we action RMC and our work towards improving maternal mental health, let us also recommit ourselves to ensuring that every mother receives the quality care she deserves and strive to create environments that foster resilience, offer support, and break down the stigma surrounding maternal mental health.

As we navigate the complexities of childbirth in an ever-changing world, let us draw inspiration from the resilience and dedication of midwives everywhere. Together, we have the power to shape a future where every birth is a joyous occasion, every mother is empowered, and every child thrives.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for your unwavering dedication to the noble profession of midwifery. Your tireless efforts, compassion, and advocacy are the bedrock of maternal health, and it is through your collective action that we will continue to make positive strides. 

Thank you, and may this Virtual International Day of the Midwife be a source of inspiration and collaboration, as we forge ahead on our shared workstream towards sustainable midwifery and maternal wellbeing!

FROM May 1st, 2024



Midwives, healthcare colleagues, and distinguished guests,

My name is Toyin Saraki, Founder and President of The Wellbeing Foundation Africa, a non-governmental organisation based in Nigeria with the aim of improving maternal, newborn and child health outcomes through midwifery-led frontline programming and global advocacy, and as the Inaugural Global Goodwill Ambassador of the International Confederation of Midwives and the World Health Organization Foundation Inaugural Global Health Ambassador, it is with great pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to the Summit on Unifying Midwifery in Africa: Reimagine, Reignite, Rise!

Firstly, I would like to thank the Summit Leadership, led by a 12-member Steering Committee, co-chaired by CEHDAR, for providing us a platform today, to gather during a pivotal moment in our collective efforts to collaborate and engage with African midwives, midwifery leaders, and supporters, and facilitate strategic discussions to decide the way forward towards a united African midwifery system for Africa, with a singular focus on enhancing the health and wellbeing of mothers, children, and adolescents.

As we convene here today, we are reminded of the profound impact that midwives have on the lives of countless individuals and families. Each midwife is a steward of life, as the caregiver, protector, teacher and advocate, guiding newborns through their tender first few crucial moments, and cradling mothers as they navigate the vast expanse of motherhood’s embrace, all while safeguarding the sanctity of birth.

The recent State of the World’s Midwifery report has established that when midwives are educated to international standards, and midwifery includes the provision of family planning, it could avert more than 80% of all maternal deaths, stillbirths and neonatal deaths. Achieving this impact also requires midwives to be licensed, regulated, fully integrated into health systems, and working in interprofessional teams. Therefore, the evidence is unequivocal: when midwives are equipped with the necessary education, resources, and support, they have the power to avert a significant portion of maternal and newborn deaths and can achieve global, regional, and national RMNCAH goals.

Yet, despite the invaluable contributions of midwives, we find ourselves confronted with a stark reality—a shortage of these vital healthcare professionals, particularly in Africa, where the need is vast. This reality demands our urgent attention and concerted action, for every mother, every child, and every adolescent deserves access to quality healthcare, and we must rise to meet this challenge head-on, transforming the trajectory.

According to the International Confederation of Midwives, the three key pillars of a profession are education, regulation, and professional association. This is to be supported by strong policy, leadership, sound governance, and a formidable workforce management system within an atmosphere of respect for the voices of midwives for mothers, their newborns and the profession of midwifery by midwives.

As we convene in Ghana today, I commend the Ghana Registered Midwives Association which is amongst the oldest of such organisations in Africa and highlight that we stand on the cusp of a new chapter—one defined by revitalisation, reimagination, and resurgence, especially in unifying the voice of midwifery across the continent, which has refound support and leadership – envisioning an African continent where competent midwives are available in all settings to provide quality midwifery care in partnership with women, their families and the community.

As we mobilise African midwives to translate and culturally adapt the global health agenda to align with regional and national-level evidence-based interventions and promote the African maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health agenda for 2030 and beyond; over the next three days at this summit, you will engage in meaningful discussions, deliberate on key issues, and chart a course towards a defined African midwifery system, drawing upon the wisdom and expertise of participants from diverse backgrounds and disciplines, unified by a common purpose: to empower midwives, strengthen midwifery associations, and improve health outcomes for all.

At the Wellbeing Foundation Africa, we have worked with the federal and regional governments of Nigeria to improve the training, working conditions and remuneration of midwives, as well as deploying midwives to underserved, rural areas of the country, and we continuously witness first-hand how our interventions would have limited impact without competent, educated, and empowered WBFA midwives, who are at the core of our frontline work and the protagonists in achieving safe births and lowering maternal mortality and morbidity rates, in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3, Good Health and Well-being.

As we embark on this journey, let us reflect on the popular African proverb, ‘If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.’ The task before us may seem daunting, but it is not insurmountable. With determination, perseverance, and solidarity, we can—and we will—forge a flourishing and healthier future for midwifery in Africa.

Thank you!

FROM March 27th, 2024



Students and Distinguished Guests,

My name is Toyin Saraki, and I am the Founder and President of The Wellbeing Foundation Africa, an NGO headquartered in Nigeria which works to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for women and children across the country. WBFA prioritises frontline impact with global advocacy, in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. It is with great honour that I join you today to provide the keynote address at this year’s LSE Africa Summit. This summit, renowned for its commitment to exploring the complexities and opportunities across Africa’s socio-economic landscape, is a testament to the collective dedication towards shaping a more prosperous future for our continent.

The theme of this year’s summit, “African Minds Transforming Futures: Building Resilient Education Systems,” highlights one of the most critical pillars of development in Africa: education, and is especially attuned to the African Union theme of this year: “Educate an African fit for the 21st Century: Building Resilient Education Systems for Increased Access to Inclusive, Lifelong, Quality, and Relevant Learning in Africa”.

Even with a substantial increase in the number of African children with access to basic education, a large number still remain out of school, with nearly 20.2 million children in Nigeria not in school even though primary education is officially free and compulsory, and according to UNESCO out of the 244 million children aged 6 to 18 not in school globally, more than 40%, or 98 million of them, live in sub-Saharan Africa. This reality calls for concern.

Education is not merely about acquiring knowledge, it is the cornerstone upon which resilient societies are built, economies flourish, and futures are transformed. Without education, where would any of us be today? Every single person in this room knows education transforms lives, economies and societies. However, the reality we face across much of Africa, particularly in Nigeria, highlights the urgency of addressing the myriad challenges plaguing our education systems, which continue throughout the span of life, from post-secondary education or upskilling much later on in a profession.

What are the barriers preventing children, women and the most marginalised communities from accessing education? The answers are multifaceted but rooted in systemic issues such as poverty, gender inequality, cultural norms, and inadequate infrastructure. For many children in Nigeria, especially girls and women living in rural areas, the journey to school or university is fraught with obstacles, ranging from long distances to lack of proper facilities and safety concerns.

Furthermore, the quality of education offered, even for those fortunate enough to attend school, often falls short of providing the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in an increasingly competitive global landscape. The brain drain from Nigeria has also had a severe impact on the country’s educational system, as the lack of qualified teachers and professors has been especially detrimental to providing quality education opportunities to many citizens.

Education is in serious crisis, and progress towards the attainment of United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 on education, needs to be enhanced. Globalisation patterns and pressures in our increasingly interconnected world have brought remarkable gains yet, we are keenly aware that the benefits are yet to reach all. Equitable inclusive access to lifelong quality education for all, ensuring that people, especially, women and children match the 21st century global and local marketplaces, will enable adolescents and adults with knowledge and competency to participate in socio-economic, political and civic life.

Despite having the largest economy in Africa, Nigeria faces a shortage of skilled workers hindering its growth. The roots of Nigeria productivity crisis burrow deep into the failures of its education sector. As per UNESCO’s data, Nigeria’s illiteracy rate was a staggering 59% among youths and 65% among adults over 15 years old. Despite the glaring need for reform, the government’s budget allocation to education has consistently been less than the recommended 26% by UNESCO. Addressing these challenges require a concerted effort from all stakeholders – governments, civil society, the private sector, and the international community. 

Education is indispensable to productivity, progress and prosperity, and as the African Union promises to contribute towards revitalised, quality, relevant, and harmonised education systems responsive to the needs of Africa, it is necessary to take into account Africa’s aspiration and capacity in terms of human and material resources for sustainability, longevity and equality. We must prioritise investments in education, not as an expenditure but as an investment in the future prosperity of our nations. 

This means allocating sufficient resources to improve infrastructure, train teachers, and ensure that every child and adolescent, regardless of gender or socio-economic background, has access to quality education. Moreover, we must tackle the root causes of inequality which perpetuate the cycle of educational deprivation. This entails empowering marginalised communities, particularly women and girls, and addressing cultural norms that hinder their access to education. 

When a girl is educated, she grows up into a woman who has the adequate knowledge, information and skill to ensure the welfare of her family, the health and wellbeing of her children and the impact her actions have on her community. As the Founder and President of the Wellbeing Foundation Africa, I am proud to say that we are committed to playing our part in this transformative journey. 

The Wellbeing Foundation Africa has been at the forefront of prioritising education and investing in the lives of children, adolescents, adults and the elderly in Nigeria and across Africa. Since inception in 2004, WBFA has actively engaged in advocacy, writing of educational materials, policy papers and articles to promote education and implementation of health education programmes in collaboration with its local and global partners. Our learnings, guidance and recommendations are currently being actualized through various programmes such as our Adolescent Skills and Drills, Personal, Social and Health Education and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene programme, implemented by a team of committed experts in public health and education who lead our on the ground community trusted grassroots programming. 

We are working tirelessly to ensure that every girl, child, adolescent and adult in Nigeria has the opportunity to fulfil their potential through education, but our efforts alone are not enough. We need collective action, collaboration, and innovation to build resilient education systems that can withstand the challenges of today and prepare our youth for the opportunities of tomorrow. This requires thinking beyond traditional models of education and embracing technology, entrepreneurship, and interdisciplinary approaches to learning. 

Nelson Mandela famously called education “the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” The future of Africa depends on the investments we make in education today, equipping our children, youth and adults with the tools, skills, and possibility of imagination necessary to shape and transform the Africa around them, making their community and society better, more prosperous, and, hopefully, more peaceful in the years ahead.  

It is evident today, as you take part in the summit and share dialogue, that each student of the London School of Economics has the drive and resources to be the force behind the realisation of our shared educational vision. Each of  you is armed with knowledge, passion, and a commitment to excellence, embodying the African minds capable of transforming futures and building resilient education systems. Each of you has ideas, advocacy, and unwavering determination, to not only shape the future of Africa but also inspire global change. I look forward to continuing to support the students of LSE and the Programme for African Leadership, as through our joint efforts we will truly create a world where education is the key to unlocking the full potential of every African child, every African community, and every African nation.      

Thank you. 


FROM February 12th, 2024

With the goal of “Empowering Africa: Unveiling the Hidden Drivers Shaping Tomorrow,” I am honoured to have delivered my keynote address at the 10th Annual St Andrews Africa Summit, a commendable student-led and university-supported initiative dedicated to the challenges and opportunities we face on the continent.

I am particularly heartened by the summit’s focus on women and children’s health alongside science and technology, especially as we commemorated the United Nations International Day of Women and Girls in Science, yesterday, emphasising women’s leadership in science to foster a new era for sustainability, while driving socio-economic development.

From improving health to combating climate change, women and girls play a critical role in the science and technology communities, and it is essential that their participation is strengthened, especially since STEM is widely regarded as critical to national economies across Africa.

I urged each student to seize the opportunity to be inspired, to learn, and to commit to action, as we are reminded of the transformative impact that collective action can have. Through platforms like such, we can foster open and respectful political dialogue, inspire technical innovation, and mobilise sustainable resources, leading to the unveiling of the hidden drivers shaping tomorrow’s Africa, a future defined by hope, resilience, prosperity, and boundless opportunity.

Watch the Keynote:


Written Keynote:

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and students of St. Andrews,

It is with immense pleasure that I join you today on this momentous occasion, as we gather for the 10th annual St. Andrews Africa Summit. For a decade now, the St. Andrews Africa Summit has served as a platform for dialogue, collaboration, and action on the pressing issues facing Africa—a testament to the unwavering commitment of this student-led initiative and university-supported endeavour towards a more empowered Africa.

As the Founder-President of the Wellbeing Foundation Africa, and Inaugural Global Health Ambassador for the World Health Organization, I am deeply honoured today to join you in exploring this year’s theme: “Empowering Africa: Unveiling the Hidden Drivers Shaping Tomorrow.” This theme resonates profoundly with the challenges and opportunities we face on the continent, and I commend the organisers for their foresight in selecting such a vital topic, especially as 18 African countries, a third of the population in Africa, head to the polls in 2024.

The importance of democratic governance cannot be overstated. Democracy empowers citizens, especially our youth to participate in the decision-making process, ensuring their voices are heard and their needs addressed. With a flourishing youth population, the voices and votes of young people have the power to drive meaningful change and pave the way for a more inclusive and prosperous Africa.

As we reflect on the journey of the St. Andrews Africa Summit over the past decade, we are reminded of the transformative impact that collective action can have on shaping the future of our continent. It is through platforms like this one today, in which we can foster open and respectful political dialogue, inspire technical innovation, and mobilise sustainable resources to ensure Africa prospers.

I am particularly heartened by the focus on women’s and children’s health, empowerment, and socio-economic development—a cause that lies at the very heart of the Wellbeing Foundation Africa’s mission. For too long, women and children have borne the brunt of inequality across Africa, while being denied access to essential and quality healthcare, education, and economic opportunities.

Yet, as we gather here, we stand on the cusp of change—a change that begins with each and every one of us. At the core of the Wellbeing Foundation Africa’’s initiatives lies a commitment to holistic healthcare, education, and advocacy. Through strategic programming, advocacy and global partnerships, WBFA tackles the root challenges of maternal, newborn and child health while uplifting and empowering communities to build a healthier, brighter future.

Beyond policies and programmes, it is our collective will and determination that will truly drive progress. It is the belief that every individual in Africa has inherent worth and potential—that no one should be left behind—that will propel us forward on this journey of empowerment and transformation.

As we embark on this summit, I urge each and every one of you to seize this opportunity to be inspired, to learn from one another, and to commit to action. For it is through our joint efforts that we will unveil the hidden drivers shaping tomorrow’s Africa—a future defined by hope, resilience, and boundless opportunity.

Together, let us empower Africa and unleash its full potential.

Thank you.

FROM January 19th, 2024

From Davos, Switzerland at the 54th World Economic Forum:

The Wellbeing Foundation Africa Delegation was thrilled to join in launching forthcoming research by the McKinsey Health Institute and the World Economic Forum with leaders across the public, private, social, and philanthropic sectors for an action-oriented convening to explore the latest data powering the effort to draw awareness to the women’s health gap.

The report titled “Closing the Women’s Health Gap: A $1 Trillion Opportunity to Improve Lives and Economies,” emphasizes that investments addressing the women’s health gap would add years to life and life to years – while potentially boosting the global economy by $1 trillion annually by 2040.

When discussing the challenges in women’s health, a common rejoinder is that women, on average, live longer than men. But this neglects the fact that women spend 25% more of their lives in debilitating health. Closing the women’s health gap would allow 3.9 billion women to lead healthier, higher-quality lives.

The report identifies four primary areas that need addressing to close the health gap: Science, Data, Care Delivery, and Investment, and to move forward, the report suggests action on five fronts: investing in women-centric research, strengthening the collection of sex-and gender-specific data, increasing access to women-specific care, creating incentives for investment in women’s health innovation, and implementing policies supporting women’s health.

Closing the women’s health gap is a moral imperative, as addressing these gaps would reduce the time women spend in poor health by almost two-thirds, adding an average of seven days of healthy living for each woman annually.

Together, we have a chance to lift millions of women out of poverty, improve future generations’ health, and foster healthy aging. We cannot succeed when half of us are held back.

FROM June 26th, 2020

It has been a huge honour and an incredibly valued privilege to serve the International Confederation of Midwives as its Inaugural Goodwill Ambassador since the first of June 2014.

On that day in Prague, as I addressed world midwives on the theme, ‘Education: the bridge to midwifery and women’s autonomy’, I looked at the faces of the midwives, and I pledged to walk focused, fearlessly and fervently with you all. My commitment was to actualise a rightful yearning for recognition, remuneration and much-deserved respect in a line of duty that so palpably personified care, continuity and courage. I was all too aware that it would be a daunting task, but I knew also, that it would be a fulfilling one.

The journey had actually begun in May 2011 when I attended the launch of Monique and the Mango Rains – a multi-layered tale of midwives’ realities which amplified the heroic voices of a Malian midwife and a Peace Corps volunteer. This midwife had so tenaciously mobilised resources while vividly demonstrating the numerous responsibilities that are so often synonymous with midwives and echoing their primary charge too; standing with women right up until the point of their life’s most anticipated introduction. That particular story immediately caused me to recall the names of the midwives who had laboured with me as I welcomed my own children into the world. As a result, I instantly became a convert-interlocutor, on a mission determined to amplify the ethos of recognition, rights and a much-needed redemption of respect for the ancient and modern profession that was, and still is Midwifery.

I embraced the global call to action in 2014, to increase respect for midwifery education, in order to join the ICM as it stands with hundreds of millions of women who had and would labour and deliver new life – and as I walked with the world midwives of the ICM, so did my Wellbeing Foundation Africa, by intentionally and immediately placing midwives at the heart of our unique institutional actions.

It is of utmost importance to me that all healthcare professionals are given opportunities to upskill, progress and demonstrate the highest level of competency, repeatedly.

Midwifery in particular, is a daily-charge, an exercise of accountability and a lifelong commitment directed towards holistically practicing what I as an advocate, and midwives as front-line professionals, work so intentionally hard to preach. So together with the ICM Midwives, and armed with the goals of the Midwifery Services Framework, I have travelled far and wide proudly bearing the responsibility of being the first Global Goodwill Ambassador.

2014 saw us address American Midwives in Washington DC, and the following year included my humble donation to midwives in Lesotho and the launch of EmONc in my native Nigeria. During this time, WBFA Mamacare classes were birthed, and brought forth the ability to teach advanced clinical and maternal skills using Laerdal anatomical models. The UNFPA are also a great partner in co-signing our SRH efforts. Through it all, the desire to position midwives at the heart of global health policy actions began to grow. In 2016, we worked together to host Nigeria’s First Global Midwifery Conference  – an incredibly proud and full-circle moment for me.

As we marched for more midwives in Toronto in 2017, the Canadian Government announced plans for the reparations of indigenous midwives – a conversation and a figure which sees a deserved increase, right up until today. This served as encouragement that both change, and recognition were on the horizon. Windhoek, Abuja and Suriname were also among the communities we frequented, and every step of the way, we engaged with midwives, policy makers and parliaments reiterating the commission to this great call.

In 2017, we advocated the importance of midwives being qualified to administer safe single-use injectable contraceptives at the FP2020 Family Planning Summit. Within this very same year, the WBFA Alive and Thrive Initiative was in full effect, and midwives were proudly educating women and their families about the importance of MNIYF Care and Nutrition. Through your eyes, I have witnessed the extension of midwifery practices and capacities in Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, India, Japan, and the United Kingdom – all while encapsulating the heart, passion and desires of the ICM Midwives. In doing so, we have successfully and strategically urged governments to invest in midwifery education and mandatory training in a bid to encourage the promotion and facilitation of safer approaches to practice worldwide.

No journey is without regret, and my inability to attend our ICM Congress in Jamaica still weighs heavily on my heart, as I looked forward to frontline observation of midwifery-led birthing centres as a goal to be realised globally.

However, in these inaugural six years together, we’ve beckoned the world to take another long and intentional look, which has in turn, caused me to hone in on the core causes and constructs I so passionately started with – mobilising resources to empower independent midwives, and harnessing the competencies of midwives as the backbone, and heart, of primary and community health.

We have signposted and amplified promising examples of research and policies which will shape the future of midwifery and have proudly recognised and championed some of the most hardworking hands in the realms of global health diplomacy. We have addressed and welcomed alliances with global organisations, the United Nations, African Union, ECOWAS and the WHO World Health Assembly, as well as celebrating remote village-level ward development committees as they continue to challenge stigma, and harmful cultural practices on behalf of the women and families in their care.

Many of us are aware by way of research that women from the black and minority ethnic classification are five times more likely to die from pregnancy and childbirth related complications. Indeed, in a world where racism has become a crisis, I appreciate, respect and applaud the courage of the ICM in choosing me, in 2014, a black African woman, as your first ever Global Ambassador – an organic action that speaks to the egalitarian inclusiveness of the International Confederation of Midwives, and the values of the midwifery profession, globally.

The introduction of the WBFA- JNJ- Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene’s highly specialised BEmONC and EmONC training gaining acceptance across Africa was an incredibly pertinent and refreshing moment for me, as a welcomed and proactive contribution directed at helping mothers to survive, babies to breathe and families around the world to continue celebrating a million more birthdays. WBFA’s new partnership with the Chelsea and Westminster Trust will cascade this innovative learning.

Excitingly, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine’s WOMAN Trial of tranexamic acid as an early intervention for post-partum haemorrhage was recorded in 2017, and the game changing Ferrings’ heat-stable Carbetocin arrived in this year – both reassuring signs of progress and impact that our ambassadorial advocacy for research-based support and intentional curriculae reaps and delivers results.

Each construct pertaining to health and wellbeing from birth to age and beyond – be it pregnancy and delivery, neonatal and infant feeding or boldly reinforcing the need for adolescents to understand sexual and gender-based violence – all contribute to building a more positive socio-economic road to maintaining our wellbeing. That being said, the entire spectrum of reproductive health has been and must continually remain a primary consideration.

By representing the significant and globally resounding voice of the ICM Midwives, we have recalibrated previously held misconceptions and re-assigned unattributed affiliations. The profession must continue to move forward in order to maintain the recognition it deserves for its contributions in improving sexual and reproductive health beyond just the physiological joining of mother and child. At different points along this momentous journey, midwifery has taken pride of place in reigniting and exemplifying a plethora of best practices for essential frontline Health workers, and has likewise birthed a series of incredibly poignant and monumental experiences within a space I am so truly proud to be advocating for.

Every victory counts, and I have rejoiced as nation-states begin appointing Chief Midwifery Officers. This call to action further reiterates the level of excellence and accountability implored by so many within this incredible profession. Regarding our original goal of Midwifery Education, I was particularly pleased to see the WHO AFRO launch a comprehensive curriculum setting a new standard for the training of midwives back in 2018.

To be crowning six years of ambassadorial achievements with the ICM in this 2020 Year of the Midwife and Nurse, is truly an unprecedented achievement. I remain hopeful that these years have been a catalytic culmination of intentional, educational and strategic efforts that offer a glimpse at centuries of quality advocacy, advancements and assistance. The call to midwifery is patience and perseverance personified. To safely nurture, be the first set of clean hands to touch and guide new life and initiate the first nourishing embrace between a celebratory woman and child is priceless. To do this on rotation, routinely, day in day out is heroic.

We have walked together and achieved the amplification of a vibrant and much-needed platform to celebrate, demonstrate and mobilise the heroic and admirable profession worldwide. The ICM’s leadership in representing, reconfiguring and increasing awareness of Midwifery globally is remarkable and unmatched.

This new decade started with the unique challenge of the Sars-Cov2 virus pandemic that has affected us all, yet pregnancy and childbirth wait for no-one, and front-liners continue to remain ever-ready for battle. The days ahead will require the intensification of resources, courage and commitment. Midwives have proven their mettle in the most daunting of circumstances, and it is time for the world, and the global health community to redeem the centuries of contributions that midwives have made to all our lives, and to community health.

In the vein of supporting the ICM as its midwives continue to stand with women, on the International Day of the Midwife, I joined the WHO, the Global Handwashing Partnership and Hygiene In Health Care Facilities Stakeholders in a resounding new commitment to “Applaud With WASH”.

We will, over this decade, mobilise and reinforce the key resources of water, sanitation and hygiene in health care facilities, to ensure that midwives and nurses clean hands can save more lives. We are confident that an internal approach to education will influence a more widely societal one.

As I bid farewell to the honorary role of Inaugural Global Goodwill Ambassador, I recall that we started our journey to claim the respect, recognition and resources for midwives with an African proverb, of ‘walking together, far and fast’ – in a succession of constant elevations; working authentically to strategize, take action and liberate women and girls from the constraints of family planning, child birth, and the other gender specific limitations they very often face. Our concepts of preparation and delivery have been very much centred around understanding, championing and reiterating the indelible bravery, resilience and selflessness of the millions of midwives who answer the ‘great call’ around the world each day. These particular efforts have been all the more powerful and pertinent because they have been achieved, with honourable dedication, repeatedly, and together.

Together, we have made great strides in authentically hailing a profession which charges each of us to wholeheartedly and strategically contribute to ensuring many more meaningful tomorrows. Our monumental six-year term of collaborative efforts and support for midwives alongside the ICM team has been invaluable. To work in close proximity with likeminded and driven people with an assurance of ‘togetherness’ in this profession as the word is defined, leaves me parting on an empowered, encouraged and excited note.

To all the incredible ICM Leaders, Council, Board and Teams; thank you for facilitating so many memories, key breakthroughs and positive affirmations along the way. Advocacy in itself is an unending journey. I am incredibly proud to be able to say that being the Inaugural Global Goodwill Ambassador for the ICM, will remain an unforgettable part of mine, and I am excited by the thought of new plans, possibilities and partnerships for healthy futures for women, girls and families – all with the midwives’ hands at my heart.

In this most wonderful Year of the Midwife and Nurse, as I appreciate the singular honour of serving the ICM for the last six years as its Inaugural Global Goodwill Ambassador, may I crown our collaborative advocacy efforts with one final African proverb, ‘a friend today is a friend for life.’

I assure the ICM, and every world midwife, that throughout this decade of action and delivery, I have pledged to mobilise resources in parallel to all your goals. At the ICM, you will always have a friend, supporter and partner in me, and in the Wellbeing Foundation Africa. Thank you ICM, and thank you world midwives, again and again, and again.