To celebrate International Day of the Midwife #IDM2022 and the International Confederation of Midwives centennials anniversary #ICM100, I am thrilled to launch my book in the honour of midwives, maternity support workers and student midwives around the world.
‘Midwives at the ‘Front’ of Frontline Action’ is an anthology of my advocacy and action, with the aim of amplifying resources, respect and recognition for the midwifery profession globally.
Featuring recommendations and letters of support from, but not limited to, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus – Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Francis-Day Stirk – Former President of the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM), Jacqueline Dunkley-Bent – First Chief Midwifery Officer Of England And Professor Of Midwifery at King’s College London and London South Bank University, amongst many more.
Over the many years of my advocacy, outreach and community programming journey, I have witnessed midwives meet extraordinary circumstances and risk their lives to provide excellent care to women and their families. As I commemorate their bravery and importance to healthcare, I also call on the international community of health to invest in midwives and maternity care.
You can read my ‘Midwives at the ‘Front’ of Frontline Action’ by clicking here!
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