In a first-ever-in-Nigeria pioneer partnership project, and aligned with the society pillar of Medela Cares, the Wellbeing Foundation Africa #frontline heroes, midwives and doctors are improving the #breastfeeding support offered to new mothers in Nigeria, by delivering NICU-specific education and training on the value of human milk and how to build sufficient milk supply for long-term lactation and breastfeeding.
As committed members of the United Nations Every Woman Every Child Initiative, together we aim to drive change and improve health outcomes for generations to come. Research has shown that 47% of the deaths of children under 5 years occur in the first 28 days of life, and these deaths are a result of preventable diseases that can be avoided through improved nutrition with the mother’s milk.
Collaboratively, my Wellbeing Foundation Africa through our #midwives have introduced, and continue to deploy, educate and facilitate the use of Medela Cares lactation strategy and tools by leading training sessions for healthcare workers and mothers, in the 3 focal project states of Lagos, Kwara and Abuja; supporting the timely initiation of breastmilk expression, improved the capacity of use of breast pumps within facilities, promoted exclusive breastfeeding and maintenance to empower mothers to nurture their babies through optimal nutrition.
Mother’s Own Milk is essential, and the lactation care provided to mothers must acknowledge its importance of it to ultimately improve infant feeding and health outcomes in Nigeria.
#WBW2022 #WorldBreastfeedingWeek
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