September 25, 2024

Action, Not Promises: Driving Real Change for Women and Girls

September 25, 2024

Action, Not Promises: Driving Real Change for Women and Girls

Action, Not Promises: Delivering Real Change for Women and Girls

I was delighted to represent the Wellbeing Foundation Africa as I joined mothers2mothers and the Cartier Philanthropy at Goals House on the margins of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Week and New York Climate Week, to engender investment in what works, investment in women, investment long-term, investment now, to drive real change in health and equity for women and girls.

Moderated by Emma France, Chief Growth Officer at mothers2mothers, and featuring panellists Sabrina Elba, producer, actor, model, and activist, mothers2mothers Ambassador, Bupe Sinkala, mothers2mothers Spokeswoman and community health worker, Tsehaitu “Tubi” Retta, Obama Foundation, Director of International Programmes, Girls Opportunity Alliance, Sid Ravinutala, Director, Data Science, IDinsight, we convened for an action-focused,
substantive, no-nonsense conversation that we hoped delivered practical, inspiring, and thought-provoking realisations and takeaways for attendees.

With closing remarks by Pascale de la Frégonnière, Strategic Advisor to the Board, Cartier Philanthropy and Cartier for Nature, we committed to the innovative thinking needed to approach partnerships, investments, and the tangible actions required to make meaningful progress toward the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.


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