In my Goodwill Statement to Africa Reach, on whose Leadership Council I am honoured to serve, I stated that “the milestone of Zimbabwe becoming the first African nation to approve injectable PrEP prophylaxis for HIV post-exposure infection prevention is a highly welcomed breakthrough moment. A truly significant step in the right direction in delivering accessible and equitable treatment and prevention, breaking down systemic barriers, and addressing the unmet needs of the HIV burden.”
“Currently 90% of all children living with HIV globally are located in Africa, and nearly two thirds of all new cases of HIV occur in Sub-Saharan Africa, with women and the girl child in this region bearing the disproportionate load of the HIV epidemic. Each and every person deserves optimal treatment and the opportunity to live a healthy life to its full potential. I look forward to the positive impact of injectable PrEP for Africa and in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.”
Prevention remains one of the most important interventions in the HIV response, and I am grateful to join the Chair of Africa REACH, First Lady of Namibia Her Excellency Monica Geingos to expand and strengthen HIV programming across Africa as we advocate and work towards bringing the #PediatricAIDS conversation to the fore.
The Africa REACH initiative brings together the most powerful elements of African political structures, cultural influence and generational leadership to create a new action agenda around ending AIDS in children and youth in Africa. As we fight to end the AIDS pandemic, I look forward to welcoming the long awaited advancement of injectable PrEP to Nigeria, where we have over an estimated 1.9 million people living with HIV and AIDs to ensure health and wellbeing for all.
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