Together, we are facing a global health crisis. Each day, as the death toll due to COVID-19 rises, people in governments, institutions, hospitals, communities and households around the world are having to navigate unprecedented sacrifice and hardship – making decisions with profound effects on their lives and livelihoods. As a collective network of girls, women, advocates, and allies working in global development, we stand together to encourage global collaboration to combat COVID-19.
Only by working together can we ensure that no one is left behind in our response to the pandemic. Our focus now must be on supporting vulnerable communities and the most vulnerable people within our communities – in the spirit of solidarity, but also for our own protection. This includes girls and women who are now at a higher risk of gender-based violence and rights abuses, and at-risk groups (including people who have disabilities or identify as LGBTQIA) who are being targeted or are unable to access routine services. At a time of ever-increasing social distancing, there has never been a more crucial need for community and selfless leadership. The World Health Organization’s continued focus on saving lives and supporting and protecting the most vulnerable of us will play a pivotal role in our recovery. Now more than ever, countries need to unite behind a strong WHO – sharing knowledge, strategy, technical resources and financial investment to defeat the global threat we all face. We must make no concessions for blame, politicisation or racism in developing an inclusive and effective solution to this crisis.
Across the world, we see the power of community and shared resources, as individuals step forward to support each other. Our heroes – the predominantly-female health workforce, working day and night to serve our communities and unite us – have demonstrated that cooperation is to mitigate the impact of COVID-19. In such challenging times, it is crucial that we overcome any efforts to divide us.
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